Thursday: Things I like this week

My new Tassimo coffee/tea brewing system. My brother and his lovely girlfriend bought me this for Christmas for my new place. I couldn't wait til moving to try it and have been loving the warm drinks, especially since this week has been insanely cold!!!

Sony Reader. I have had my Sony Reader for the last year. A few weeks ago the battery started dying out on me and I had to send it in for repairs. Even though I love reading on my iPad, I can't wait to get my ereader back!

Wii Sports. I bought a wii a few months ago and recently got wii sports. So much fun!

The Help Movie. I read the book last summer and saw the movie with my family over the Christmas Holidays. I am always curious to see how books are adapted into movies. I will ALWAYS read the book before watching the movie. This one did not disappoint. Very well done!

Thi Fusion Restaurant Lounge and Bar. I discovered this little restaurant A few weeks ago and absolutely love it. I've been there three times and have loved every single dish I have tried. Great flavours and many choices.
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