Thursday: Things I like this week

Electric heating pads. These go in hand with my slipper socks I mentioned last week. I love cuddling up with a book and resting my feet on this warm electric pad.

Pashmina scarves. So soft and comfortable. I pick up a bunch every time I go to NYC ($5 from street vendors). With the chilly weather kicking in, I often wear one with my outfit at work and it helps to keep me warm.

Audiobooks. The drive to work is incredibly long. Sometimes I get bored of listening to the same music over and over again so I started listening to audiobooks on my rides and I am quite enjoying it.

Peter Pauper Press agendas. I picked one up from Chapters and I absolutely love it. I know that I can easily keep track of my tasks on my iPhone or iPad but I find it satisfying to write things by hand and highlight them when they are completed. This little agenda keeps me organized.

Wind up flashlights. Yesterday the power went out for an hour. I found a wind up flashlight. Winding it up for a minute or two gives you almost thirty minutes of light.
I could not agree more about the satisfaction of writing things down in an agenda! Having it in ink just makes me feel more organized :)
Those pashmina scarves should be a staple in every canadian girls' outdoor wardrobe. If only they sold them here for 5$ a pop! Sometimes Rideau will sell 2/20$.
Kristy, any suggestions for good agendas? I may want to get one for the new year!
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